19 diciembre, 2024 ¿Es un pájaro? ¿Es un avión? Casi, es un dron con patas de ave La naturaleza, entre muchas cosas, es una fuente de inspiración. Los artistas la plasman en sus obras y los científicos la estudian para entender...
15 abril, 2014 The US will test robot firefighters Just about everyone agrees that the profession of firefighter is a risky one. And while the most dangerous situations may not happen often, when...
8 abril, 2014 A 15-year-old builds a robotic arm that is controlled by the mind They say that the late Steve Jobs once said that «the ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the...
26 marzo, 2014 These humanoid robots could make the plot of the film Her a reality The film Her, directed by Spike Jonze and starring Joaquin Phoenix, won the award for best original screenplay at the 2014 Oscars. The plot brings...
13 marzo, 2014 The hackers of tomorrow are just out of diapers Last Saturday, my kids came home with t-shirts with the word HACKERS on it. They had just been to a session on robotics as...
15 febrero, 2014 Learning to program starting in childhood: the bq robotics kit One of the educational needs for the coming years will be to learn how to program. Technology is becoming increasingly omnipresent in our lives...
3 febrero, 2014 When robots invade the kitchen As science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov predicted a half a century ago, the kitchens of the future “will prepare ‘automeals’, heating water and converting it...
21 enero, 2014 Drones: from battlefields to green fields In just a few years, the use of drones has expanded from military technology aimed at reconnaissance and even carrying out attacks, to include...
15 enero, 2014 South Korea creates the first nanorobots to treat cancer A team of researchers in South Korea has produced successful results in their tests of a new method to fight cancer. The method is...
7 enero, 2014 The language of chemical signals that will revolutionise nanotechnology and robotics Communication, understood as the process by which we transmit information from one point to another, is inherent in living things. And it is not...