Europe will fund our new e-learning and inclusion I-LINC platform for youth employment and entrepreneurs.
Telefónica has obtained, under the Program European Framework for Research and Development HORIZON 2020, funding to develop I-LINC, a project focusing on education through the digital services to promote the employability and entrepreneurship of young Europeans, thus facilitating their inclusion in the current labour market.
To carry out the project, from the Global Direction of Corporate Identity and Sustainability of Telefónica, a public-private consortium has been created that includes the participation of the industrial and academic sector, as well as organizations such as Telecentre Europe, European Schoolnet, and the University of Dortmund, counting with a funding of more than 1,100,000 euros and a length of 3 years.
From Telefónica, we believe that there is a strong need to put all our efforts to obtain better results in employability and entrepreneurship for future generations. Although it may seem contradictory, at the same time that Europe is facing an era of massive unemployment, technology companies are facing an important lack of technology experts, requiring more than 900,000 ICT professionals for 2020 in Europe. And that is why, in the industry of digital technologies, where we are one of the benchmark companies, we must strongly support an education based on the digital skills, through all the digital channels available to us.

Sustainable platform
The main purpose of the is to develop a sustainable platform that promotes the employability and entrepreneurship skills for young people through the collaboration, participation, and education in Digital skills.
To achieve this objective, I-LINC will have an active community of expert stakeholders in various topics (experts in education and training, in digital and socio-economic inclusion, in employability of young people, policy makers, etc…) to accompany the consortium during the entire duration of the project to design a strategy to follow and validate the obtained results. Given the potential impact of the project in the digital world, it will seek to improve the platforms that already exist in the present by creating a common area of understanding and dialog and exchange of knowledge, as well as providing guidelines to advance tools and services for the modernisation of the education, training and employability of young people as a mechanism to overcome the digital and socio-economic exclusion.
To ensure the best implementation of the project, different areas of Telefónica are working in its development, of which we can highlight Telefónica Learning Services, which has been working for years on improving the educational competencies through digital technologies; and Telefónica OPEN FUTURE_, the company’s platform for the entrepreneurship that brings together all the initiatives of the group focused on the talent, knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship.
This post has originally been published on the CR and Sustainability blog of Telefónica.
Images: Pixabay