22 junio, 2016 Security Day 2016 ensalza las alianzas y el talento joven Chema Alonso, Chairman de Eleven Paths y Chief Data Officer en Telefónica, abrió la última jornada de Security Day hablando de lo que es...
19 marzo, 2015 Why wearable tech for kids could mean instant peace of mind and safety As a parent, you’ll never stop worrying, but real-time GPS Child Wearable Technology will help you keep tabs on your little kid, anywhere, anytime....
17 marzo, 2015 Behavioural Biometry anyone? How your voice or signature could fend off a dangerous cyber attack How many of you have anti-malware protection installed on your smartphones? I’ll bet it’s less than one in 10. I didn’t, until a year-and-a-half...
18 julio, 2014 Why you should create backups of your data One of the worst things that can happen to anyone is to lose hours of work because a file doesn’t show up or the...
22 junio, 2014 The importance of revoking permissions on social networks and other accounts We don’t always realise the permissions that we grant to third parties in our social networks or other Internet accounts. And sometimes, after a...
10 mayo, 2014 Do you connect to Wi-Fi securely? Tips to avoid problems We live surrounded by Wi-Fi connections to the internet, with the vast majority of them protected with WEP encryption, or the other more secure...
31 marzo, 2014 Is your email account secure? Last week we heard about the arrest of a former Microsoft employee called Alex Kibkalo, who had been leaking secrets and copies of Window...
11 marzo, 2014 Boeing Blackphone, the smartphone for spies that self-destructs when tampered with US aeronautics giant Boeing is preparing to land in the world of mobile telephony with the development of what promises to be one of...